China, Russia “disturb and threaten the world order,” said Taiwan

China, Russia "disturb and threaten the world order," said Taiwan

China, Russia "disturb and threaten the world order," said TaiwanChina, Russia "disturb and threaten the world order," said Taiwan

Taiwan leaders on Friday said China and Russia “interfere and threaten the world order” through large-scale military training recently near the island and Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

President Tsai Ing-Wen was speaking during a meeting in Taipei with Senator Marsha Blackburn US, who was under a second visit by members of the Congress since the journey of the speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier this month. The visit encouraged China to launch Exe …

China claims Taiwan as its own territory to be controlled by force if necessary. Beijing has also improved relations with Russia and is seen as quietly supporting his attack on Ukraine.

Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee, reiterated the joint values ​​between the two governments and said he “hoped to continue to support Taiwan when they pushed forward as an independent country.”

China saw a high -level foreign visit to the island as interference in its affairs and confession of De Facto over Taiwan’s sovereignty. The new Chinese military exercise is seen by several people as future military action training on the island, which you …

Along with the exercise performance, China decided to contact with the United States about vital problems including military problems and important climate cooperation – increasing concerns over an eternal approach and more aggressive by Beijing. It also calls us …

Because of the separation of power in the US government, the executive branch has no authority to prevent legislator from doing such foreign visits and the benefits of Taiwan from strong bipartisan support in Washington. China, the ruling communist party …

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