China number one threat’: Rishi Sunak promises tough stand if elected UK PM

China number one threat': Rishi Sunak promises tough stand if elected UK PM

China number one threat': Rishi Sunak promises tough stand if elected UK PM

Rishi Sung on Sunday said he would become tough in China if he became the next British Prime Minister. He called China the “number one threat” for domestic and global security.

According to AFP, his promise came after his rival in the election, Liz Truss, accused him of being weak in China and Russia.

Sundanese proposed to close all 30 Confucius institutions in the UK to prevent the spread of Chinese influence through cultural and language programs. He also said he would “kick the Chinese Communist Party (PKC) out of our university” by forcing higher education companies to express foreign funding of more than £ 50,000 and review the research partnership.

He said the British spy agent MI5 would be used to fight the spionage of China, and would consider building international cooperation “NATO style” to overcome China’s threat in cyberspace. He added that he would see prohibiting Chinese acquisitions on British assets, including strategic sensitive technology companies.

Sunda registered several complaints against China and said the Asian superpower stole British technology and infiltrated its universities, supported Vladimir Putin by buying Russian oil, and trying to bluff its neighbors, including Taiwan.

He said, “They tortured, resisted and indoctrinated their own people, including in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, which were contrary to their human rights. And they continued to cheat the global economy that supported them by suppressing their currencies.”

Enough is enough. Too long, politicians in the UK and all over the West have launched a red carpet and closed my eyes to Chinese evil activities and ambitions. I will change this on day 1 as prime minister,” Sung said.

Previously, the Global Times managed by the Chinese government said Sundanese was the only candidate in the contest with “clear and pragmatic views on the development of the British-China ties”.

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