Taliban delegation holds talks with EU, US diplomats in Doha

Taliban delegation holds talks with EU, US diplomats in Doha

Taliban delegation holds talks with EU, US diplomats in Doha

Doha, Qatar – Representatives from the European Union and the United States have met with Taliban members as a group trying to unlock funds to overcome the Afghan humanitarian crisis.

The Afghan delegation was led by acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi on Wednesday held the second day of talks with diplomats from 16 European countries in the capital of Qatar, Doha.

All participants promised to do all possible efforts for the overall welfare of the Afghan people, “read a statement issued by the Taliban, adding that the international community is ready to take” effective steps in the field of humanitarian aid “.

That statement even though it does not provide specific details about the steps to be taken by the international community.

Thomas Niklasson, EU special representative for Afghanistan, who also attended talks, said that the block remained committed to providing 500 million euros ($ 569 million) in assistance through the United Nations and Humanitarian Organizations.

The Taliban is still not recognized by any country and many senior officials are still under Western and UN sanctions. The country is also disconnected from international financial institutions, which have triggered the banking crisis.

The talks came after the armed group met with Western diplomats in the capital Norwegian Oslo where human rights issues and the need for humanitarian assistance was discussed.

Niklasson in a Twitter post added that the Taliban stated “commitment to opening elementary and secondary schools for boys and girls throughout the country no later than March”.

The government led by the Taliban was gripped with a humanitarian crisis that deteriorated with 97 percent of the population at risk of sinking below the poverty line, according to UNDP projection.

The group, which seized power in August last year by bringing down the government of the President of the Western Ashraf Ghani, also tried to melt billions of money from the West.

But Western countries and international financial institutions have linked their release by increasing the country’s human rights record, especially regarding women.

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