Taliban Claim To Deploy Special Forces To Afghanistan Border Soon: Report

Taliban Claim To Deploy Special Forces To Afghanistan Border Soon: Report

Taliban Claim To Deploy Special Forces To Afghanistan Border Soon: Report

The Taliban said they hope to shoot special forces to the Afghan border veritably soon, as per the reports of the state- run Bakhtar news agency. During a visit to Kandahar’s Spinboldak border quarter on Saturday, Sher Mohammad Sharif, the Taliban Interior Ministry’s border forces director-general, brought up the matter and said that the Taliban are paying special attention to Afghanistan’s borders.

The Taliban had before stated that they had formed the Lashkar-e-Mansouri Martyr Hosts to guard Afghanistan’s borders with neighbouring nations in the northeastern sections, particularly Badakhshan. Maulvi Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi, the Taliban’s deputy governor in Badakhshan, stated that the martyrdom legion was the same force that had carried out self-murder strikes in important government locales in the history, according to Khamma Press. Some of Afghanistan’s neighbours are concerned as a result of the Taliban’s recent conduct. Still, Pakistan, the eastern neighbour of the war- torn country, has supported the Taliban administration.

Lately, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan promised further than$ 28 million in medical, food, and other philanthropic relief for Afghanistan and authorised the transportation of food aid from India through Pakistan to Afghanistan, according to Al Jazeera.

On the other hand, according to UN agencies, roughly half of Afghanistan is suffering starvation due to one of the worst dearths in decades and profitable collapse, which has left numerous Afghans empty. To put food on the table, residers are dealing numerous of their things. According to DW News, Mullah Mohammed Hassan Akhund, the Taliban’s appointed Prime Minister of Afghanistan, stated that this is a test from God. The United States and other countries have refused to honor the Taliban as Afghanistan’s licit government, performing in the conclusion of aid worth around 75 of the country’s GDP. The World Bank and the IMF also stopped transnational loans.

Mullah Mohammed Hassan Akhund also prompted transnational relief organisations not to withhold their inventories on Saturday as the country is facing mass shortage, according to DW News. He also said that they’re trying to fix as numerous issues as possible. He also demanded that the US release$ 10 billion in Aghan finances blocked since the Taliban ousted the former government inmid-August.

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