Herd’s warm welcome for newest member as elephant gives birth in viral video

Cute elephant

Cute elephant

A elephant video that gave birth at Masai Mara Reserve of Kenya has been circulating on social media. The video, only 59 seconds, has more than 10 million displays on Twitter so far with people who have emitted the view that the elephant ‘mother’ is surrounded by a herd during childbirth

The video begins with the elephant mother, at the time -when right before the birth of your child. As soon as the little elephant came out, the mother joined the other herd members as the latest members received a warm welcome

The baby elephant is as adorable with the video itself. Fighting to stand strongly, it rolling on the ground when the elephant mother approached her, trying to help her get a grip. At this time, other herd members can be seen around both

Spread in an area of ​​1500 square km, the Masai Mara National Reserve is the Savannah wilderness area that is maintained in Kenya southwest, along the Tanzania border. Located as Mara, reserves are home to abundant wildlife and endless plains. The official National Reserve website reports that Mara Mara Masai is known for the highest concentration of wild animals in the world because more than 40% larger mammals in Africa can be found here

Masai Mara was named to respect the Maasai people, ancestral population in the area. The word maasai (maa) “mara” means “visible.” It will not be difficult to understand how Masai Mara gets his name once you visit the region. Short and dense trees scattered around the area provide a rather “visible” appearance.

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