US House passes gun-control bill after Buffalo, Uvalde attacks

US House passes gun-control bill after Buffalo, Uvalde attacks

US House passes gun-control bill after Buffalo, Uvalde attacks

The house ratified the extensive weapons control bill on Wednesday in response to the recent mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, which will increase the age limit to buy a semi-automatic rifle and prohibit the sale of ammunition magazines with capacity of more than 15 rounds.

Legislation was passed by most of the votes of the party line 223-204. There is almost no opportunity to become a law because the senate pursues negotiations that focus on improving mental health programs, strengthening school safety and increasing background checks. But the DPR Bill indeed allows democratic parliamentary members the opportunity to frame voters in November where they stand on the policies shown by the polls are widely supported.

We cannot save every life, but God, don’t we have to try? America we hear you and today at home we take the action you are demanding, “said Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas.” Pay attention to who is with you and who is not. “

The encouragement occurred after a DPR committee heard a heartbreaking testimony from the recent shooting victims and family members, including from the 11-year-old girl Miah Cerrillo, who covered herself with the blood of a dead classmate to avoid being shot in Uvalde elementary school.

The mass shooting cycle that seems to never end in the United States rarely aroused a congress to act. But the shooting of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde has revived efforts in a way that made parliamentary members from both parties talk about the need to respond.

It’s really sickening, sickening our children forced to live in this continuous fear,” said DPR Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Pelosi said the DPR’s vote would “make history by making progress”. But it is unclear where the DPR’s actions will go after the voting on Wednesday, given that the Republican party insisted on their opposition.

The answer is not to destroy the second amendment, but that’s where the Democrats want to leave,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

The work to find similarities is mostly happening in the senate, where support from 10 Republicans will be needed to get the bills signed into laws. Almost dozens of Democratic senators and republics met personally for one hour Wednesday in the hope of reaching the framework for the compromise of law at the end of the week. Participants said more conversations were needed about the expected plan to propose simple steps.

In a measure of political hazards that efforts to curb weapons posing for Republicans, five of the six main GOP negotiators Senate did not face the re -election until 2026. They were Sens. Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, Susan Collins from Maine, John Cornyn from Texas, Lindsey Graham from South Carolina and Thom Tillis from North Carolina. The sixth, Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania, retired in January. It was also noted that none of the six searched for president nominations from the Republican Party.

While Cornyn said the conversation was serious, he had not joined the Democratic choir that said that the outline of the agreement could be achieved this weekend. He told reporters Wednesday that he considered having an agreement before the Congress began the recess at the end of June to become a aspirational goal.”

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