US, UK, Ukraine and More Countries Join Hands to Set New Global Rules for the Internet

US, UK, Ukraine and More Countries Join Hands to Set New Global Rules for the Internet

US, UK, Ukraine and More Countries Join Hands to Set New Global Rules for the Internet

The United States and 55 other countries on Thursday signed a political commitment to encourage rules for the internet supported by democratic values, when the US accused Russia of using internet disorders as part of its increased attacks on Ukraine.

Commitment, called “Declaration for the Future of the Internet” – The first effort of its type – protecting human rights, promoting free information flow, protecting user privacy, and establishing rules for global digital economics that develops between steps to fight what is against what referred to by two Biden administrative officials as “dangerous new models” from internet policies from countries such as Russia and China.

The United States witnessed a global trend that increased digital authoritarianism, with countries like Russia had acted to suppress freedom of expression, censor independent news sites, disrupt elections, promote disinformation, and deny their citizens of other human rights, officials said.

Look at what … Russia takes, a few steps taken by China, and I think we see this in response to the tendency of this kind of ‘splinternet’ by a number of authoritarian countries around the world, “said one of the officials, the officials said, referring to The characterization of the internet as a splintering and dividing because of various factors, such as politics.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has launched a cyber attack, including hacking a network of satellite internet providers at the beginning of the invasion. Administrative officials said this new effort was not an effort to overcome the cyber war.

This declaration is a modified version of the White House’s efforts from last year to collect coalitions of democracy around the vision for open and free web.

Countries that joined the US including Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Britain and Ukraine.

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