Life under the ‘new Taliban’: What’s changing and what isn’t

Life under the ‘new Taliban’: What’s changing and what isn’t

Life under the ‘new Taliban’: What’s changing and what isn’t

Last August, Taliban troops took over almost all Afghanistan after withdrawing a chaotic US troops after almost 20 years of work.

In the early days after the arrest of Kabul, the group loudly insisted that it had changed the way, promised, among others, to respect women’s rights and allowed press freedom.

A recent report from Dbunks Amnesty International who claimed, confirmed that the Taliban had denied almost every certainty that had been carried out since returning to power.

That, combined with a sudden drop-off in international assistance, has caused chaos to the Afghan economy and the welfare of 40 million residents.

In each sector and demographic group, there are signs that describe images of malicious countries in disaster ravines.

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