US threat to sanction India reflects poorly on Washington’s inability to accept new multipolar world dynamics

US threat to sanction India reflects poorly on Washington's inability to accept new multipolar world dynamics

US threat to sanction India reflects poorly on Washington's inability to accept new multipolar world dynamics

In recent weeks, the United States, a strong Ally of India – and a strong partner of the knowledge economy, spatial cooperation, higher education, collective defense capabilities, protection of cultural property and awareness of the maritime domains – has been judged to sermonize India again, about what is optimal for this, previously from Russia, notwithstanding repeatedly and subsidiability informed of S ‘ Inform by the Minister Polière and able to India to External Affairs of India S.

The United States was waiting for India to censure Russia, particularly to the United Nations, but India does not. India did not vote for Russia either: it abstained, as well as China and some other countries. India has strongly condemned the massacre of Bucha to the United Nations. The United States did not ask China to sanction Russia: it can not.

For the record: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Jaunkar, in frequent conversations with their Russian counterparts, repeatedly repeated Russia to avoid violence in Ukraine. In addition, MODI urged President Vladimir Putin and President Volodymyr Zelensky to talk to each other. India has also systematically sent Ukraine’s humanitarian aid. Media – national and international – for some odd reason, chooses not to notice these dialogues or help from India to Ukraine. As a principal career diplomat in a recent article: If a past precedent is an indicator, India has probably articulated by private disaffecting in Russia.

What is especially unacceptable for the United States is the purchase of Russian gas from India. The gas, by the way, is exempt from sanctions. India imports a person with less than 1% of his Russian gas, by Indian Minister for Oil and Natural Gas Hardep Singh Puri. United States India oil imports will increase by 11% this year by officials from India’s Indian Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. European countries multiple more than the value of Russian gas and, after the beginning of the war, but inexplicably, Europeans escape the pontificate and monitoring of sanctions. The United States is in a state of recent intention of India to buy some million barrels of Russian oil at a reduced price. Surprisingly, the United States has itself rated its Russian oil from 43% since the beginning of Ukraine and now matches 100,000 barrels a day, by Mikhail Popov, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council. But, of course, the United States is above surveillance.

India has, for decades, has been an important buyer of Russian weapons and ammunition and depends on the cocutical supplies of Russia for their renovation. Russia is an indispensable ally, for reasons of safety and geopolitical. India is flanked by two bellicose and unpredictable neighbors and, therefore, so it can not afford to be even slightly released on military preparation. During the war of the release of Bangladesh of 1971, for example, when the United States and the United Kingdom took the side of Pakistan, and the first, in a permitting legislation, sent its warships to Bengal Bay to threaten India, it was the arrival of Russian. submarines in the oceans who dissuaded an escalation of hostilities.

India, in one way or another, must bid in the United States, the United States thinks, failing which, an assortment of threats and sanctions could follow. In the world of refined and underestimated diplomacy, the recruits that suffer from a strident put on the road are pure anathema. The United States recently sent its Deputy National Security Advisor, Daleep Singh, India, to sermonize from Mount and that tumbles did not fit well with leading Indian leaders and officials.

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