Taliban’s segregation rules for Afghanistan’s amusement parks: men on 4 days, women on 3

Theme park

vTheme park

The Taliban has reportedly imposed gender separation in the Afghan amusement park, with men and women prohibited from visiting the same day. While men will be allowed to visit amusement parks from Wednesday to Saturday, women can go there for the rest of the week, Sputnik news agency reported that this step will further to enforce the rules of gender separation in Afghanistan.

Last month, Taliban members were banned from carrying their weapons to the amusement park, in what appeared to be another effort to soften their image in the middle of the group search for international recognition. Immediately after the takeover of the Kabul Taliban in mid-August, the photos of their fighters took Joy Rides in the amusement park have emerged.

The Mujahideen of the Emirates of Islam is not permitted to enter amusement parks with weapons, military uniforms and vehicles,” said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, said on Twitter.

(They) are obliged to comply with all the rules and regulations of amusement parks.”

The Taliban had gained fame for imposing Harshher’s interpretation of the last Sharia law they ruled Afghanistan between 1996-2001. While the Sunni Pashtun group tried to present a more moderate face to the world, it did not meet many promises he made before taking full control over Afghanistan.

Several rights groups have said that the Taliban began to enforce strict Islamic laws in Afghanistan after returning to power in August.

The previous group issued a decree that prohibited female students from the sixth standard of school schools. The decision triggered protests when dozens of female students took to Kabul’s streets demanding the Taliban regime to withdraw their decisions. Protesters, Slogan songs “Education are our absolute rights”, calling for the reopening of schools for girls in Afghanistan, Tolo News reported.

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