A strike against heart of Putin’s war machine’: Zelenskyy thanks Biden for banning import of Russian oil

A strike against heart of Putin’s war machine': Zelenskyy thanks Biden for banning import of Russian oil

A strike against heart of Putin’s war machine': Zelenskyy thanks Biden for banning import of Russian oilA strike against heart of Putin’s war machine': Zelenskyy thanks Biden for banning import of Russian oil

Reacting to Joe Biden’s announcement on the import of oil, gas, and energy from Russia because of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the President of the Eastern European, Volodymyr Zelskyy, echoed the US partner’s comments that the move was against Vladimir Putin’s’ War Machine. “

Be grateful for us and @potus personal leadership in striking in the heart of the Putin war machine and banning oil, gas and coal from the US market. Encourage the country and other leaders to follow,” Zelskyy posted on Twitter.

Previously, overcame a press conference at the White House, Biden announced the latest US sanctions against Russia in response to the invasion.

Today, I announced that the US targets the main arteries of the Russian economy. We forbid all oil, gas, and Russian energy imports. It means that Russian oil can no longer be accepted in the US port. Americans will handle other strong punches in (Vladimir ) Putin war machine, “he said.The Democrats then described the decision as ‘strong blow to the Putin war machine.’

After that, the US President posted on Twitter: “It’s clear: Ukraine will never be a victory for Putin. Putin might be able to take the city – but he will never be able to hold the country.”

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