Taliban-led government approves aid plan for war victims in Afghanistan

Taliban-led government approves aid plan for war victims in Afghanistan

Taliban-led government approves aid plan for war victims in Afghanistan

The government led by the Taliban in Afghanistan has approved a plan to help victims of war where assistance will be given to orphans from the Emirates of Islam and former government forces and victims of the last four decades of conflict.

“Under the Islamic Emirates, assistance will be given to the martyr, disabled people, orphans and orphans from previous government security forces,” Tolo News said quoting Bilal Kari, Deputy Jural Taliban, said on Friday.

The family of the Emirates of Islam and the former security forces who lost their lives in 20 years of war said they were facing severe economic situations.

Khan Mohammad was a member of the Islamic Emirates who was killed in a roadside bomb in Kabul about nine months ago. Mohammad’s children struggle with a difficult life.

“I don’t have a breadwinner for the family. I faced many problems. I don’t have money to pay rent and electricity and water bills. I have a very difficult life,” said Mohmmad’s wife, who is responsible for the family now.

In another corner of the city, there were two widows of previous security forces.

“When I have a job. My life is good. I have a salary. Now the problem is a lot,” one of the widows to Tolo News.

The number of former Afghan security forces who died in the battle were estimated at around 90,000, but the death toll of Islamic Emirates was unknown.

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