Afghan situation precarious nearly 6 months after Taliban takeover: UN Report

Afghan situation precarious nearly 6 months after Taliban takeover: UN Report

Afghan situation precarious nearly 6 months after Taliban takeover: UN Report

The situation in Afghanistan remains precarious and uncertain almost six months after the Taliban takeover, as a political, socio-economic and humanitarian shock echoed across the war-hit by the war, the UN Secretary General said in a report.

The situation in Afghanistan remains precarious and uncertain almost six months after the Taliban takeover, as a political, socio-economic and humanitarian shock echoed across the war-hit by the war, the UN Secretary General said in a report.

The Taliban showed an effort to present himself as a caregiver government. The movement, however, hasn’t formed a government structure that reflects the diversity of the country’s politics and geography and including women. Efforts are limited by the lack of resources and capacity, and the ideology that clashes in many ways with international governance norms.

This movement also tries to manage its own internal coherence. With the Taliban do not set the trust of many Afghans or convince Afghans about their capacity to rule, many continue to strive to leave their country. Moving forward, it is very important that every effort is made to reach all community segments Afghanistan to establish a process that can cause an inclusive governance structure, fully reflect the desires and interests of the diverse Afghan people, “

Guterres in his report said that the situation in Afghanistan remained precarious and uncertain six months after the Taliban takeover, as a political, socio-economic and humanitarian shock echoed throughout the country.

Taliban seized power in Afghanistan on August 15, two weeks before the withdrawal of our troops complete on August 31 after the war two decades were expensive. This forced Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, supported by US West leaders, to escape from the country to the UAE.

The Taliban rebels invaded above Afghanistan and arrested all major cities in a matter of days, when Afghan security forces were trained and equipped with the US and its allies melted.

This report added that Afghanistan experienced a massive economic contraction. All complex social and economic systems are closed, partly due to lack of governance, suspension of non-humanitarian assistance flows and sanctions.

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