China Locks Down City Of 3.5 Million Near Vietnam Border

China Locks Down City Of 3.5 Million Near Vietnam Border

China Locks Down City Of 3.5 Million Near Vietnam Border

The city of China 3.5 million near the border with Vietnam is in locking Monday after more than 70 cases of Coronavirus found there for the past three days.
China, the only major world economy still adheres to the loyal zero-covid policy, is very alert to the plague for hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Local officials in Baise City in the South Guangxi region announced Sunday that no one would be allowed to leave the city, while the population of several districts would be limited to their homes.

“City traffic control will be implemented,” said Deputy Mayor Gu Junyan.

“In principle, vehicles and people cannot enter or leave the city … with personnel control strictly enforced and there is no unnecessary people’s movement.”

Residents of several environments in the small towns of rural and districts under Baise’s jurisdiction have been placed under tight houses, while others cannot leave their districts, Gu added.

Baise, located about 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the Vietnam border, on Friday found his first local case – a traveler who has returned home for a new Lunar year vacation for a week, according to official.

Since the pandemic, China has built a coercive wire mesh fence along its southern border to prevent illegal migrants from Vietnam and Myanmar – and potential Covid-19 infections.

Because the Pandemic Coronavirus first appeared two years ago in Wuhan Hubei Province, China has used strict local locking keys, bulk testing, and contact contact applications to try and eliminate the outbreaks as soon as the case is detected, saving countries witnessed by mass death around the rest in this world.

Millions of people are limited to their homes in various Chinese cities in run-up to the Olympics after cases involving the Delta variant and Omicron Coronavirus blazed. The plague is largely stamped.

In December, 13 million North Megacity Xi’an residents were placed under a tight house in prison for more than a month after the plague of more than 2,000 cases.

Residents complained about the lack of groceries and enforcement of locking steps that were too loud by local officials, who saw patients blocked from receiving critical medical care, which led to death in some cases.

China reported 79 new cases of national Monday, where 37 was in Guangxi.

Meanwhile, the Zero-Covid Hong Kong policy was on a rope after recording the number of new infections announced over the weekend, sending officials scrambling to increase testing capacity and warn that tightening of viral control measures can be needed.

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