Why Harjit Sajjan may not be retained as Canada’s defence minister

Why Harjit Sajjan may not be retained as Canada’s defence minister

Why Harjit Sajjan may not be retained as Canada’s defence minister

While the National Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan easily defended his seat at the House of Commons in the federal election in Canada, adhering to the main portfolio may have been proven to be a challenge in the middle of his call because the sexual armed crisis in the Canadian Armed Forces under his watch.

Writing in Ottawa residents, David Pugliese reported that Sajjan “was not expected to return to the national defense” and has “mostly considered ineffective and, in the eyes of some critics, incompetent.”

Meanwhile, Global News Outlet quoted Steve Sayeman, Director of the Canadian Defense and Security Network, described the term of office as “disaster.” He added, “If this government has to turn on Sajjan, it will send a strong message that they don’t care about women in the military.”

National Post Columnist Sabrina Maddeaux voiced the same scene, when he wrote, “If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seriously about changing military toxic culture, when he mentioned his new cabinet in October, there must be a new defense minister.”

He added that Sajjan had “lost all credibility when it came to the institutional sexual violation crisis.”

Former Democratic Party leader Tom Multair echoed that sentiment at CTV outlets, “Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan has failed to deal with problems of sexual violations in the military. Women who dared to advance constantly feel betrayed.”

The Canadian press reported recently that the call for its ouster from the ministry would be very difficult for Trudeau to be ignored.

The controversy began this year when Defense Chief of Staff Jonathan Vance resigned in January amid allegations of sexual ignorance. Sajjan has experienced severe criticism in this after the military Ombudsman revealed that the Minister of Defense was informed of the alleged “inappropriate behavior” with subordinates in 2018. In May, Trudeau’s advisor testified in the presence of the House of Commons Committee’s defense that he was aware of the allegations that. There were accusations that Sajjan did not act against Vance because of their long relationship, because they were both presented together in Afghanistan. The successor to Vance Admiral Art McDonald stepped less than one and a half months into his term because he also faced an investigation by the Canadian National Investigation Service. More such incidents were revealed since then.

Sajjan was criticized by the House of Commons in the voting in June this year. He defended himself, said, “We took all the charges very seriously, as I did and brought information directly to the appropriate official.” Trudeau also supports him at that time saying Sajjan enjoyed his belief.

Sajjan was re-elected from Vancouver South with 49.4 percent of the vote and 10,000 margins over their closest opponents. Responding to the media after his victory, he said that he would serve in whatever role assigned to him by Trudeau.

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