Russia test-fires hypersonic ‘Tsirkon’ missile for first time

Russia test-fires hypersonic ‘Tsirkon’ missile for first time

Russia test-fires hypersonic ‘Tsirkon’ missile for first time

Russia said on Monday it was successfully tested launching a Missile Cruise Tsirkon (Zircon) from submarine for the first time, Vladimir Putin’s weapons president had been praised as part of a new generation of unmatched weapons systems.

The Ministry of Defense, who tested firing Tsirkon missiles from a warship in July, said that the Severodvinsk submarine had fired missiles while deployed at the Barents Sea and had reached the target chosen.

Records of low-quality videos released by the ministry showed the shooting of missiles upwards from submarines, the tinse turned on the night sky and illuminated the surface of the water.

“Tsircon missile shooting tests from nuclear submarines are considered successful,” the ministry said.

Some of the Western experts have questioned how continued the new generation of Russian weapons, admitted that the combination of speed, the ability of maneuverability and the height of hypersonic missiles made them difficult to track and intercept.

In July, the section of the recording showed the sophisticated S-500 surface-to-air missile system in Russia seems to have intentionally run away to make it more difficult to research in detail.

Putin announced a series of new hypersonic weapons in 2018 in one of the most surprising speeches in the years, said they could reach almost all things in the world and avoid missile shields built A.S.

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